Domingo Viveros is our Door and trim Expert, He has been with Majestic Renovations since 2013, and His commitment and Punctuality are unbeatable. Domingo is a highly skilled craftsman who specializes in enhancing interior and exterior spaces by installing doors, door frames, and trim elements with precision and finesse. Precision and meticulousness are the hallmarks of their work. He has a keen eye for measurements, ensuring that doors fit perfectly within their frames, and trim elements align flawlessly with the surrounding architecture. He is also a great Painter and rarely misses a day of work!
Door and trim Expert
Domingo Viveros

Domingo Viveros is our Door and trim Expert, He has been with Majestic Renovations since 2013, and His commitment and Punctuality are unbeatable. Domingo is a highly skilled craftsman who specializes in enhancing interior and exterior spaces by installing doors, door frames, and trim elements with precision and finesse. Precision and meticulousness are the hallmarks of their work. He has a keen eye for measurements, ensuring that doors fit perfectly within their frames, and trim elements align flawlessly with the surrounding architecture. He is also a great Painter and rarely misses a day of work!
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