Best Known as Andres, He has been with Majestic Renovations since 2010 and He specializes in Electrical and Plumbing as well as Tile setting for our bathroom remodeling projects. He became part owner of the company after 13 years of service. His commitment and dedication to quality are exceptional. in case of an emergency He is always ready to answer the phone for all of our current and past customers. He loves Soccer and family, If you want to experience quality, He is the go to leader!
Jose A. Bravo-Castro

Best Known as Andres, He has been with Majestic Renovations since 2010 and He specializes in Electrical and Plumbing as well as Tile setting for our bathroom remodeling projects. He became part owner of the company after 13 years of service. His commitment and dedication to quality are exceptional. in case of an emergency He is always ready to answer the phone for all of our current and past customers. He loves Soccer and family, If you want to experience quality, He is the go to leader!
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